All posts by Harmoniouscrow

A better one

Just thought I’d update, so nobody worried about the tone of my blog this morning, which upon reading my own post, might have come across a little … panicked? Upset? Well, I’m fine, really. Just frustrated sometimes. But anyway… onward and upward!

We just went for our mid afternoon walk – it was a much better walk. We went down the lower road, so only saw one dog in the distance (and it was too far for Azzie to be interested) and one little dog that we know, and she is very old and gentle. I think that the dog that we encounter is a big component of how Azzie reacts. If the dog is quiet and unresponsive to Azzie’s initial reaction, then Azzie is much calmer and doesn’t really need to go see the dog. She sat quietly – admittedly sharing her attention between my eyes, the treat in my hand, and the little dog and her owner walking by – and didn’t bark, just whined once and then just watched. She didn’t even bark when the owner, who knows me and the girls, greeted me and asked about Odin.
So yeah, I guess it’s the dog she encounters that decides the reaction.
It’s a good thing to know, I think.

It’s a bit warm too, so I think that also adds to Azzie’s calmness.

But also, I had Gina off the lead for most of the walk – it helps me concentrate on keeping Azzie’s lead short, but loose, and Odin’s as well. It works. It goes much better. She’s so good that i don’t really need to worry about her off lead. I do keep an eye on her, for sure, to see if she poops and see that she doesn’t fall too far behind (she tends to fixate on a blade of grass for a few minutes and then looks up and we’re far ahead!) and that she is paying attention to what side of the road we’re walking on… 🙂

I think the rescue remedy helped a bit. I took some a little bit before we left.

I’m still working hard… I’ll never stop. Promise.


Day Five

And it’s Sunday! Which means it’s Day Five in the Gina, Azzie and Odin Adventure!

And you know what? It’s going pretty well, all things considered. Still things we are working on, but better. Azzie is behaving much better with him, especially inside the apartment, and she no longer growls at him when he comes near her or her toys. She instigates a game sometimes too.

I’ve found a good balance for Odin’s food – his tummy is doing much better and he doesn’t need any more tablets to keep it that way. He’s eating his food very sweetly, and delicately and enjoying it a great deal – because he knows that there’s another meal coming and he won’t starve. I’ve given him an allergy tablet in the evenings and it seems to be helping his itchies a great deal.

This was his second night out of his crate and it all went well 🙂 He’s chewed up his blanket a bit, and Gina’s fake fur blanket too… but it’s a comfort thing, so it should stop.


My main issue right now is the walks on the short lead – so any walk on post or in areas where they all need to be on their leads. Which is all the rest of our walks, basically. We go for 3 or 4 walks as a pack every day around post, and generally it’s fine, until Azzie sees another dog. Then she turns into a complete idiot. It’s not aggression or anything – she just REALLY wants to say hello, and of course she drags Gina with, who also gets all riled up (again, no aggression, just way too excited) and now I’m worried she’s going to get Odin doing the same thing. I try to keep them all walking calmly next to me, or behind me (as Gina likes to be) but then they split up to go sniff things, and then it’s tangles and I’m swapping leads and climbing out of the center of lead webs and they keep swapping sides and switching who they want to walk with and Gina is going ahead and then dropping behind me on the other side, and Azzie just goes ahead and then I ask her to walk next to me and she does for a second, but then she finds something else she wants to sniff so she just barges in front of me (I’ve nearly fallen over her I don’t know how many times) and if I don’t want to fall, I sidestep or stop and then I stand on Gina or on Odin and it’s becoming a nightmare. I’m getting so annoyed and it was so nice before! It’s not Odin’s fault – he’s really sweet on the lead – especially on his own. So is Azzie, and so is Gina! But our pack walks.. arg.. it starts out really nicely and then it’s “OMG I”VE NEVER SEEN A DOG BEFORE I MUST GO SEE IT NOW NOW NOW!” and I’m being dragged from one side of the street to the other, or up a grass bank, or down a line of cars, by Azzie. She’s 115lbs (over 50kg) and Gina is almost 100lbs (almost 50kg) – they weigh, together, more than I do. Even separately they weigh almost as much as I do! My hands were torn up the other day by the stupid idiot and all she wanted to do was say hello to the wiener dogs. Happened again today. And the owners just watch us with this blank expression, no correction, while their dogs yap wildly and run around going nuts and growl at my three, which doesn’t help.

And Gina and Odin had an altercation – not sure what happened as I was busy untangling my thumb from Azzie’s lead before it got snapped off while she whined and went on about the dogs ON THE OTHER BLOODY SIDE OF THE FIELD – I think perhaps Odin stood on Gina’s tail, or Gina stood on his sore leg. Something. I don’t know.

*deep breath*

And then as soon as we had sorted ourselves out and carried on our way.. Azzie was FINE. Walking next to me again. Gentle as a lamb. I think I need to get her a martingale collar or something. Just some way to GET HER ATTENTION before she turns into Idiot Dog. And I AM remaining calm. I AM keeping my temper in check. So I really don’t know why she’s still doing it. I correct her, I try distract her (with my voice, by standing in front of her, or with a treat) but it only lasts a second.

It’s a bit hard to convince people that this 115lbs of hairy “rawring” dog barreling toward their dog, dragging me and two other dogs behind her, is “friendly” and “just wants to say hi” – because that’s it, really. She totally calms down when she gets to the dog. Waggy tail, big smile, no growling no barking, nothing. Even gives them a Berner play bow if she likes them. And Gina too – she’s all puffed up silliness and then when she says hi, she’s waggy tail and sniffing faces and then totally bored and moving on to something else and ignores them. Odin is very confused. He’s not sure if he should be all big chested and boy-dog with his hackles up, or if he should hang back and pretend he’s not there until it’s all over. I don’t want him picking up Idiot’s bad habits. I want him to make FRIENDS. I want him to meet Django and Luca and make MORE friends. I don’t want him to think that every dog we see needs to be GUNNED AT, like Azzie does, until we get to them. Ah well. early days still, right?

Hoping my friend Nicole can give me some helpful tips. I don’t have anyone to help me, you see, so it all has to be done by me. Sort it OUT! Fix it NOW before it becomes even more of a problem. And it WILL become a problem if I don’t get this right. One day, Azzie will gun at the wrong dog and it will be _bad_ and I don’t want that. She’s taken a LONG time to get over her incident with Marcel, and I don’t want her to go through that again. (and it wasn’t even that bad – it was a little unexpected/unintentional nip on the ear while in a dog pile at the dog park) She’s a sensitive dog and it would really do bad things to her psyche. And then Gina would step in. While she doesn’t approve of the way Azzie behaves, Gina is a real “big sister” and she would put ANY dog in their place that went for Azzie, even if Azzie caused it. And then there’s Odin… he growled at the little dogs today… which I don’t want!

So maybe a choke chain for Azzie? A martingale collar I would prefer – I know a lot of people with Berners who use them, because they’re big dogs who just don’t understand their size and strength. It’s not to harm them, just to have a little more control and a way of getting their attention. I would never hurt my dog intentionally. I’ll discuss it with Nicole, I think.

*sigh* As Nicole keeps telling me: Azzie is different. She’s just that kind of dog that takes a bit more effort. But she’s worth it. They all are. I love them all – even Odin. I don’t know him that well, but he’s definitely nudging his way into my heart very quickly. He’s a funny little man, with a lot of attitude, but a gentle soul and I know he is happy now and that makes my heart warm.

On a better note – what a lovely morning walk 🙂

Dogs were super well behaved – Azzie had a lovely roll around in the dewy grass at every opportunity, and Odin piddled so much he had nothing left to piddle after a while and thought he’d try drinking from some puddles to refill his supply (I stopped him of course – not taking a chance with bugs in the water, thanks) so he could carry on doing it. We took a different path, and I had a good idea where it would come out, so it was exciting, but not too scary not knowing where we were going exactly. We ended up coming out near the campgrounds and had a loop around there, and then headed down ANOTHER different path and ended up back at the car 🙂 It was great.

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Day Four

Moving on to another day in the Gina, Azzie and Odin Adventure…

We made it through a night without him in his crate! Last night, as promised, I decided to just trust in him, and I let him stay out of his crate at bed time. He was very pleased with himself and he rolled around on his… I mean.. GINA’S bed and made snuffly noises and had a big sigh of happiness and then went to sleep in seconds. I was, of course, alert all night to the slightest sound, but he pretty much stayed asleep until around 0300 or 0400 (I don’t know when exactly it was, as I was too tired by that stage to even reach up to get my phone to check) again and then paced around a little bit, got some water, came to check on us in the bedroom, had a think about jumping on the bed (but Gina told him no, and Azzie poked her head up from my side of the bed where she likes to sleep, so I told him “not yet”) and then went back to the lounge and fell asleep on Azzie’s bed.

Took them down individually at 0600, and he is a bit of a whiner when we are separated – he stands on the balcony and whines and makes a weird half yawn half grumble. It’s quite loud. So there’s separation anxiety there which we will have to work on. I’m already doing the DT, DT, NEC (Don’t Talk, Don’t Touch, No Eye Contact) thing when I come in through the door, because I found he was hanging out RIGHT by the door and trying to get my attention as I came in which I know is not a good start. I want him confident and happy, without clinging to me. But it’s only day four, so I’m not worrying too much. We’ll start with the separation training soon. Husband will have to help with that when he gets home, as well.

So I was pretty pleased with him this morning, and the girls for being so polite and gentle with him.

For our morning walk I took Odin and the girls to one of our favourite spots – one of the start points for the Bear path. I parked, he hopped out OVER the back seat from the boot. Full of energy.
I put his harness and lead on and off we went. Girls went off lead the WHOLE WALK and they were AWESOME 🙂 I was so proud. It made my life so much easier, as I wasn’t having to keep such a watchful eye on Azzie and worry about Gina getting stressed. They were both happy and playful and unstressed the whole way.
I decided on a shorter walk this morning – so that I didn’t overexert Odin, as he’s healing nicely, but by the end of the day and so many walks, he’s pretty sore. Plus, I had a feeling he would be racing around with Azzie again this morning, so I added that to his energy levels and thought it would be fine.
I was right! I even took him off his lead this time and HE came back before Azzie did, when I called 🙂
I was SO proud! All three had a blast – running around and playing and chasing each other. Just a few minutes, but Azzie was exhausted and Odin was WELL pleased with himself. Then we carried on back down the other path to the car.
He was interested in the horses in the paddock there, but not scared and not at all aggressive. He perked his little ears up, gave the air a sniff, watched them for a few seconds, and then carried on walking and sniffing things.
It was an awesome walk.

early morning zoomies in the farmland

more farm zoomies DSCN1868 DSCN1875 DSCN1879 DSCN1886 DSCN1889 DSCN1892 DSCN1896 DSCN1897 DSCN1898 DSCN1899 DSCN1904 DSCN1909 DSCN1910 DSCN1914 DSCN1917 DSCN1920 DSCN1921 DSCN1922

Day Three and the secret pond

It started out way too early. It was Odin’s final “test night” in the crate and he went in willingly enough, but around 3am he got very restless and I _think_ he was whining, but I don’t really know (my ears ring when the pressure changes and sometimes I can’t hear things at certain wavelengths :/ thanks, head injury) so I thought maybe he needed to to poop as the last time he went was much earlier in the day, around lunch time. So I very tiredly got up, got G and Az’s collars on in case they wanted to go down and got the little man out of his den and took him down. He peed, and we wandered around for about 10 minutes, but apparently he didn’t need to… so then I went back up, got Azzie, took her down… then Gina… and then came back to bed and put him back in his crate. I wasn’t willing to take the chance just yet, because he’d not pooped. He went in just fine, with a big sigh though.

We all went back to bed for an hour or so and then I definitely heard him whining, and he was very restless. This was around 0600. Which I suppose is the “normal” time for him to go to the loo (if he was still back where my husband found him, that would be when he would be taken outside) and this time he DID go! I made a BIG fuss and gave him a treat and fussed him some more after I picked it up.

Gina and Azzie were WAY too tired to go down again – they stayed upstairs and Gina didn’t even move from my bed. 🙂

Now, I left him out of his crate and he settled down with a big happy waggy body and tail thump, on Gina’s bed. I was still “alert” for anything weird, but I managed to doze a little bit and the girls snored their heads off in the bedroom with me. Ods didn’t even move from the bed 🙂

So tonight is the night… he can stay out of his crate – as long as he poops in the evening before bed.

We’re still working on the trust. It’s only day three of the adventure.

This morning’s walk! WOW! What a GREAT one!

The dogs STINK, they are dirty, muddy and happy and very tired 🙂

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On the way back home, Odin hopped in after Azzie (she was in her usual spot behind me) and then lay down, because that’s what he does. He doesn’t understand sitting up with his head out the window… yet.
So I asked Gina to hop in the front on the passenger seat. She did and then climbed across to my side, but I managed to get her back on the passenger side and in a comfortable sitting position. She likes to lie down on the way home though, so she wasn’t QUITE as happy as I would have liked. She rested her whole head and neck on the window so she could snooze.
But the walk! The walk was AWESOME 🙂 Odin is definitely part Galgo – he wanted to RUN RUN RUN and chase Azzie all over, but his leg was too sore, so he would start running, have fun and then realise he was sore so he would come to me and whine at me. We took a lot of breaks, but had a lovely walk and he ALMOST got into the secret pond to swim 🙂 Next time, I’m sure he will! Even though he’d never been to this area before, he was very confident and happy – especially at Azzie’s side.

As you will see in the videos – he is FULL of energy and playfulness – and that makes my heart warm 🙂 I’m sure it will make my husband happy to see it as well.

He did get away from me, but didn’t run away, just chased Azzie around until they both got too tangled to carry on.

Azzie was much kinder to him and raced around a bit, and Gina played with him on numerous occasions and tried her best to get him into the pond with her 🙂

A GORGEOUS walk. I kept it short, as I didn’t want to overexert him and it was also quite warm, so I didn’t want to make the girls too hot.


Here are some videos – it’s hard to hold the little camera steady while being dragged off all over the place, but I did my best.

A bit of a hodgepodge, as that’s how the compression software put them together.






Some sound and video

I managed to get some video this time, of the zoomies and the digging and happy playing with squeaky toys.

Here they are!

Please excuse my squeaky voice – I’d been sneezing and coughing and had a very sore throat. (as I mentioned, I think I’m a little bit allergic to him) I also squeak to Odin, as it seems to keep him alert to me.


Morning walk – Day Two

Heading into the teens in temperature (Celsius) out there already, so we took it very slow. We went the same direction as yesterday morning – just so Odin felt a sense of “I know where I’m going” so he felt a bit more confident and it worked because he was FULL of bounce and happiness. They got to the sand wall spot from yesterday and this time he joined in the fun (digging as best he can with a wobbly back end) and he and Gina played a bit of chase and dig and then Azzie got in on it too 🙂

He likes to walk next to Azzie now, as well. And she lets him!

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We then moved over to a pile of gravel where he and Azzie and Gina proceeded to do ZOOMIES (yes, he zoomies too!) all over the gravel and around in circles 🙂 It was AWESOME to see him so happy! And Azzie played a bit with him and Gina as well. It’s a good start, good progress in their relationship. He was also much better with the gate guards – even allowed the young gentleman to pat him for a second, and the female guard got to kneel down and give him a chest rub. He was still wary, and he’s not keen on cars (not unexpected, since he was probably knocked over by one, thus the broken leg and dislocated knee) but generally, a WONDERFUL walk 🙂

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They all pooped – all excellent (well, his was _good_ not excellent, but nothing to worry about) and we took it very slowly again because it was starting to warm up even more on the way back.

Azzie being less of a jerk now too.

We came back, settled in, I fed them (he didn’t eat all his food – which is a good sign that he’s finally realising that there will be more food later and he doesn’t have to gorge every time he eats – which is a HUGE thing for a lifetime stray like him) and now they are all sleeping happily in various spots. He is on Gina’s bed… sprawled out. Gina is, for some reason, asleep BEHIND the couch (no idea why – that’s where she decided to eat her breakfast too) and Azzie is in one of her many favourite spots near the kitchen (a little through-breeze helps her cool down)

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Happy dogs. Happy me.

I MIGHT be a little allergic to him. Since he’s arrived I’ve been sneezing, have burny, itchy eyes and a runny nose. Very unlike me. But I’m sure it’s because he’s got such dry skin and I’ll get over it. Took something for it and I’ll be fine. I do need a nap though. I’m really tired. Haven’t slept very well because I’m always “listening” for any signs that I need to get up for them.

Might have a nap on the couch while they snooze around me.


Early morning update Day Two

Morning all (or whoever reads this!)
Update after Odin’s second night here and onward to Day Two.
Once again he was very reluctant to go back in his crate at bed time – I think he’s just getting used to the whole freedom to stretch out and a nice comfy bed (not that his crate is uncomfortable: I have a VERY nice soft, but firm, bed in there for him. I would sleep on it if it was my size!) so after a long talk with him, and a treat test (I put it at the back of his crate) I explained that he only has ONE MORE NIGHT, after this one, to show me I can trust him not to foul up his crate, and thus, the house. Just one more. If he gets through the night tonight, without any accidents in his crate (like he did last night!) then I will see about letting him sleep out on Friday night. He was still not convinced, but I guided (I never force – the crate is not meant to be a punishment) him to the front of his crate and said “bed time” and he sighed and went in and curled up. Gave him his treat and told him he’s a SUPER GOOD BOY (he thumped his tail) and closed it up and we all went to bed.
I don’t think he was making a lot of noise – I think he was just rolling around trying to get comfortable – in the wee hours, but I’m a very light sleeper (and totally cued up now to hear anything regarding the dogs in general) so I woke up around 0600 (which used to be 0500, but that’s another story) and listened for a few minutes. The girls were out like lights on the bed so I knew it hadn’t been Azzie grumbling. I listened some more and heard a few tick tacks of his claws on the side of his crate (that’s how I know he was just trying to roll over and get comfy and stretch out) and so I decided, since I’m awake (and we have to get used to early rising again soon when my husband gets home) I will get up and take them all down.
Gina gave me a bleary eyed look when I put her collar on, but Azzie was keen to go out, so it was all good.
Took them down in order, of course – Azzie, Gina, and then Mr O.
All pooped, all excellent – I made a HUGE fuss of Odin again when he went and gave him his treat etc. It was much better (I gave him a sucralfate tablet last night – just a half one – to help with the upset tummy. Most likely too much food and it was a new food too, for him – nothing serious) so I was well pleased.
Then I took him back up, went down AGAIN to feed the stray cats (Betty is heavily preggers again :() and then this time Odin went back in his crate semi-willingly and we all went back to bed for a snooze.
Maybe tomorrow morning I will let him stay out after morning toilet time – just as a test to see how it goes – IF he gets through the night in his crate without accidents.

It’s a bright sunny day out there, temperature is rising (not going to be a scorcher or anything, but way warmer than we’ve been used to) and we’re heading out for our morning walk.

I will update again later with some photos from yesterday and today on the walk.

Fetching Odin and Day One

Day finally arrived and I was a complete nervous wreck. Luckily my friend Ciara was calm and cool as a cucumber and she helped me so much I can’t even put into words how grateful I am.

So we began the long drive in the late afternoon, in my little orange car and headed toward Cargo City. We got updates from my husband on the way (His flight left. He’s landing in 37 minutes. He’s landed!) and when we got to the flight center for the company that did the shipping of Odin (after a rather roundabout run around, dodging 18 wheelers and one way streets: yay Germany – we found the place) we were told we had to wait another 40 minutes for his paperwork to arrive at the flight center. So we went across and waited at the KFC across the road. It was nice to stretch our legs though, after the nearly 2 hour drive. Good traffic flow though – no incidents or staus.

We went back and the paperwork was there and then we were told we had to fetch him at the OTHER cargo center, at the Lufthansa Animal Lounge. I paid the dues, and then we used GPS and followed the signs (because the GPS was very confused – a lot of work has been done in the area and we ended up on roads that the GPS didn’t feel existed – thanks to Ciara’s calm voice and no-drama attitude, we got where we needed to go without getting lost) to Cargo City North. I got another security card for the booms, and we headed up to the admin office for some more waiting and some more paperwork and another round of dues payable. Apparently they felt he had been there 24 hours… I tried to explain his plane had only just landed, but gave up. *shrug*

That finally sorted out, after another 15 minutes or so, we headed down to wait for Odin to be brought out to us (back in his crate – they do take them out though, for a walk around and a piddle break – Lufthansa is our airline of choice when it comes to dealing with animals: they are TOP notch.)

Ciara had a a quick ciggy and took a few photos of me feeling like an expectant mother, waiting for Odin to be brought forth from the Animal Lounge.

DSCN1573I was super nervous, but very excited.

Then out came a gentleman (who spoke NO English) who helped us get him out the crate (he was very gentle with Odin) and then also helped us fold down the crate and pack it in the car. It took a little more space than I had expected, so the comfy arrangement I had on the back seat for Odin didn’t quite work out, but I put down a big poofy bed for him and within seconds he was out like a light. Occasionally stirring to look at me, look out the window, lick something, and then go back to sleep.



Long trip back, into the twilight (a spectacular sunset) and then into the darkness.

We arrived home around 9pm, finally. I went upstairs to fetch the monsters while Ciara attempted to get Odin out of the car. No go. He was not budging. He was either too comfortable or too scared. So I brought the girls down and told Ciara to hold them while I got him out. She moved off, so they didn’t see him initially. I got him out the car and by that time they could smell him and they were also super keen to see me, as they were very happy and excited I was finally HOME. Unfortunately they were a little TOO excited and they literally dragged poor Ciara OFF her feet. She fell on hands and knees and bashed herself up quite badly 🙁 I felt totally awful. She’d been SO helpful and this is how the idiots repay her.

But up she jumped! Bit worse for wear, bleeding a bit, but she’s a tough chick and actually APOLOGISED to ME for letting them go. I was like.. er… WHAT?!

Yeah, so the introduction was not as smooth as I hoped – Odin did growl a bit, but not his fault, as the girls overwhelmed him a bit. Azzie of course barking, and letting everyone know what she thought about all this hoohaah. Gina was sweet though, when she saw Odin was scared. She licked his face and sniffed him gently (including his rather nasty looking scar on his back leg where he had the surgery to fix the femur) and then left him be. Azzie of course does things her way… she sniffed, barked, barged into him, sniffed some more, then snipped at him when he tried to sniff her (of course) barked some more and then I handed his lead to Ciara and took the idiots myself. We then went for a 10 minute stroll just to let them get acquainted and to stretch his legs and for them all to piddle before bedtime.

We headed up to the apartment and Ciara cleaned herself up in the bathroom, applied Savlon (it’s a wonderful cream from my home country – it fixes EVERYTHING) and some plasters (bandaids as the americans call them) while I busied myself settling the dogs. I went and got everything out the car and brought it all up.

I started setting up Odin’s crate then realised they were all probably very hungry so I fed them first. Ciara went home, poor girl. Exhausted and battered. Her dogs were pleased to see her, I’m sure. I fed Odin in the laundry room initially – just to keep them separated, just in case – but he was concerned with where I was and what I was doing, so he ate a bit and then came and looked for me. I was sitting with my girls while they ate, trying to reassure them it would all be ok. Gina ate, but Azzie was on a hunger strike apparently. Too miffed at me for one being away so long and two, bringing home this THING! I made sure Gina got all the food she wanted (she’s not a heavy eater, despite her size) and then I went and sat with Odin while he finished his food. He asked for more, so I gave him the rest of Gina’s. I left Azzie’s untouched and on the counter.

Just for his safety and the sanity of the girls, I put him back in his crate for the night. He was a bit reluctant – can’t blame him. Probably thought he was going to be shipped off somewhere else again! But eventually he went in and settled down quietly and nibbled his treat (he’s very gentle and eats surprisingly slowly for a stray) and was quiet and happy and slept all night through. No incidents in his crate either!

In the morning, I took them down (individually, as usual – Azzie, then Gina, then Odin) and he piddled on the grass (I told him he’s a good boy) and then we went up on the grass behind the buildings and he pooped, finally and I made a BIG fuss of him and gave him a treat. He was very happy after that – full of waggy bodied joy and perked ears. We went back inside, I went down to feed the stray cats (can’t ignore them – despite being utterly exhausted) and came back up and all was still fine 🙂 I put him back in his crate (and he went very willingly this time, with no trouble) and we all settled down for a nice nap until it was time to get up and go for our morning walk.

We took it very slow and easy (it’s a bit warmer this morning, so my girls were struggling a bit too) and a walk that normally takes the girls and I about 35 minutes, took us almost an hour. But well worth it. Azzie was much happier with him outside and ALMOST played with him on several occasions… remembering only at the last second that he was NOT her friend and she DIDN’T like him (yet…) so I’m hopeful for the future. It’s only Day One.


He did very well on the lead! I put his little harness on and he didn’t pull, didn’t hide and wasn’t scared. In fact he was quite happy to wander around from one side to the other (like Gina does) and sniff things. He had fun I think, and the girls got a look at him in the daylight. He was very good with the gate guards too – wary, but fine.

I’m tentatively hopeful. Of course Azzie is the painful one – very dramatic, very possessive of me, and always wants to be center of attention. Gina’s fine – she’s an utter sweetheart. She handles him the same way she did Azzie and Azzie was far more of an asshole that Odin is 🙂 He LOVES Gina. Wants to walk with her, sit with her and eat near her. DSCN1596 DSCN1595 DSCN1599 DSCN1606 DSCN1609 DSCN1611 DSCN1614 DSCN1618 DSCN1619  DSCN1624 DSCN1636 DSCN1638

DSCN1622Everything is going to be ok.



crate and car updates

Husband got back to me and let me know that Odin is on his way (he flies out tomorrow afternoon, but he is at the facility now – husband says he is full of happiness and energy and was very excited to get in the car and go for a ride)
He also told me that the crate is ours and gave me the dimensions so I can see if it will even FIT in Helga (the BMW) or not.
I will have to do some measuring tomorrow morning. If not, then it will have to be in Naartjie (my little orange car)
Also – not even sure if Helga will be able to go anyway. I borrowed the jump starter from my neighbour and thought I would do a test run to see how it worked… it’s a good thing I am so paranoid, because Helga’s battery is SO DEAD that the little jumper couldn’t do a thing for her. So my very kind neighbour is now charging up the battery on his special “trickle down” charger. Here’s hoping it works tomorrow! If not, this measuring thing is moot anyway :/
I can take the crate apart, but it might not fit into the boot (or “trunk” as my American friends call it) or fit through the opening in the back door either.


countdown… just 22 hours until we go get him. I’m nervous, but also excited.
It was a bittersweet evening walk with my girls – this is the last walk where it will just be “us” – me and Gigi and Az. As I’ve said before: I am thrilled he is joining us, happy to give him a home like ours (because I know we are a great home for a dog – sounds braggy to say it, but I mean it from a home/heart point of view, not a “we are so totally awesome and perfect” kind of thing) and get him off the streets and let him have a good life with us for the rest of his life.

Another interesting article

Saw this article on reddit and thought I would share it.

Alzheimer’s is a nasty disease/condition. It would terrify me if I was diagnosed with it, or if someone I loved was. I don’t _think_ anyone in my extended family has ever been diagnosed, but you never know – it could go undiagnosed or simply get called “dementia” instead. Dementia is not a “normal” condition of aging. It’s quite sad that it seems to be accepted as that.


Anyway – here’s a small excerpt from it:


For years, Alzheimer’s disease had been conflated with ageing; that decline in an individual’s memory and mental acuity must happen to us all. However, though minor change to mental function is indeed inevitable, changes that disrupt daily life are not. This is an important distinction to make, as it underscores that dementia ought not be accepted; rather, developing effective treatments is imperative . Unfortunately, the drive for Alzheimer’s treatment has yet to yield any success; something that we have been reminded of with the recent death of Terry Pratchett, a national treasure diagnosed with the disease in 2007, who recently died due to lack of appropriate treatment.