Tag Archives: hair haircut “try something new” short pixie crop

Hair, What do do?

While I am enjoying my long hair again, very much, I am also itching for a change. I’m a Libra who likes change… IT HAPPENS! Husband doesn’t want me to shave my head – but I think he’s safe on that, as I’ve been there, done that and don’t really need to do that again! – but there are lots of other options that I want to explore. I’ve had very short hair before – pixie cut, after it grew back a little after shaving it – and of course I’ve had medium length hair in the “growing” phase (which I HATE!!!) and I’ve gone from honey blond to black to red and back again.I’m not someone who likes to spend a lot of time on my hair – definitely not someone willing to spend an hour on my hair in the morning when I get up! I’m a wash and go kind of person. With my current long hair, I’m a wash, wait to dry, pin up, pop into a pony tail or a plait, and go, type of girl.I’ve always been a very outdoorsy, active person, so I never really had time to be all “girly” – also, when I was working a full time job, I never had TIME in the morning to do this (And I was NOT sacrificing my sleep – which I got precious little of, as an insomniac of note – to fiddle with my darn _hair_ no thank you!) and I also lacked the inclination!

Nothing much changes – I want something that suits me, something interesting, something SIMPLE, something easy and something that I can maintain easily on my own. How short do I want to go? Tuck behind the ear, short? Or pixie short? Or just on the neck, still able to put into a little paintbrush pony tail, kinda short?I have an oval face, hair that is very fine but not too thin and hair that is naturally straight. It only starts to “wave” and kink on the ends if it grows long, like it is now.