Tag Archives: Sunday morning stroll

Day Twelve is a quiet day

Decided on a nice easy gentle stroll after yesterday morning’s very energetic morning fun and headed out for a “short” one around the pool off post.

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Dogs were awesome. No poopage this morning from any of them – but they had a very small breakfast (Azzie didn’t eat anything – not unusual in the mornings these days) as I’ve cut their portion sizes down a lot (his is still more than he would normally get, but we’re trying to put weight on him still) to help G and Az lose some weight.

Even though it was a nice quiet one, the dogs are still pretty tired and they are all chilling (G and Odin too tired to eat, but Azzie is now eating her breakfast) in their various favourite spots.


It’s going to be a nice quiet Sunday I think.

Have a good one, people.