Tag Archives: Ostara

Happy Eostre/Ostara!

It has been a beautiful morning here in New Mexico – cool and crisp and soft sunlight coming through the trees – a perfect Ostara morning. It’s going to be a hot one – this is a desert, after all – but our little home is cool and serene and the dogs know it’s a sanctuary from the heat and the wind and they can come and go as they please.


Last night was a Blue Moon, and it stirred all sorts of things up.


May this Spring blooming bring your life abundance and joy for the season ahead.



Each season holds its own special gifts and Spring is not only a time for renewal, but also for majorĀ changes!

Don’t be afraid! Do the things you’ve been putting off! Now is the time!


Suck in that powerful fresh energy that the earth is giving off, ground your feet and reach for the sky!