well pleased

This last weekend was our second attempt at dog obedience/training classes.
We took Odin on his own on Saturday, but unfortunately due to staffing issues, the trainer couldn’t stay and had to return to OR to man the desk/counter, so instead I sent Odin and husband off to walk with the only other people who pitched up: Punchen (not sure how to spell it) the deaf, albino Great Dane pup (only 7 months old and he is over 130lbs) and his owner, Stephanie. Initially Odin was very wary of the big lug, but my husband said that as they walked, he got over it, and eventually they were walking side by side for quite a bit of the walk. That’s awesome news.
And then Sunday, the trainer suggested we take Odin early, on his own, for the “puppy play class” just so he could chill and watch and see how things went without worrying about Azzie. He didn’t have to do anything (but he did go into the agility arena for a walk around with the other pups) and he just chilled, while the puppies ran around and played together. My husband said he was very good – just a few “moments” but much better.
Then I arrived with Az and G, and this time around I let Azzie greet all the dogs (on her own) and she was 99% better. She’s a social dog and likes to meet everyone, which is my main issue: when the dog doesn’t WANT to meet Azzie she still wants to go say hi – so I thought that letting her say hi and interact a bit with the others would put her more at ease… and it WORKED!!
I was so proud of her! The only barking/craziness came when she was playing with husband and Ods in the “time out” area (it’s enclosed, so he took them in there for them to play when we got there – as Odin desperately wanted to play with his big sister, after watching all the other dogs play together) even though they weren’t in time out, while I took Gina into the agility arena and ran her through that. Ginaย was AWESOME!! Everyone was so impressed. She didn’t do the raised walking thing, or the rigid tunnel (it was set up in a curve, so she couldn’t see the other side, and she’s never done it before so the trainer said don’t worry about it this time) and she did a shortened version of the soft tunnel, but she jumped everything, and even did the see-saw and BOTH sets of weave poles ๐Ÿ™‚ I was so pleased with her! She was also very pleased with herself! She LOVES to do that stuff!
Now that Odin knows some of the commands (he does, however lay down for “sit” and for “down” and for “relax” and for “gentle” – but we’re working on getting him to tell the difference) I took him through the rally course (obedience course) and while he was a little wary of the pieces of laminated plastic attached to the cones, he did really well ๐Ÿ™‚ He really is a smart dog, and is coming along so nicely. Everyone noted his progress, just as everyone commented on how good Azzie was this time around too.
Next week, I want to take Azzie through the agility course, and maybe even Odin… and then impress everyone with Gina on the rally course ๐Ÿ˜€

All in all, a really good weekend with them. A huge relief after the hell-hounds of last time.

Dog Training – The First Time

My husband signed “us” up for dog training and last week we went to check it all out, sans dogs. This week, we decided to go on the Sunday (the class runs Saturday and Sunday, every weekend and you can choose to go to both or just one) as we had things we needed to get done on the Saturday. Now, I’m not going to pretend that I was expecting anything amazing to happen in terms of how they behaved, but it’s still a little disappointing how crazy Azzie got. She was the main issue. Completely beside herself with excitement. And Odin needs a lot of work with socialising with other dogs (big or small – he doesn’t just have issues with small dogs, apparently) so every time he so much as twitched a whisker, Azzie would explode with barking and craziness. She wanted to step up and take charge of ANY situation where Odin felt uncomfortable – while I’m glad that they have bonded as a pack (well, Gina still feels Odin is on probation) I really need to split them up to keep them from hyping each other up to that point where nothing goes into their brains except OMG DOGS BARKING MUST BARK RUN JUMP GO CRAZY BE STUPID. It was not fun. Luckily, this time I had my husband with me to help (he held Odin and Gina while I wrestled with Azzie) but next weekend I will be on my own (as usual) so we’re thinking about how to do it. I think Odin only on Saturday – let him get more adjusted and comfortable without Azzie going ballistic every time Odin so much as sniffs another dog. And then maybe all three Sunday. I can’t leave Odin on his own (he already goes bananas if I take ONE of the girls down without him – leaving him on his own would be a nightmare, I think) and just let Gina chill and do what she wants – she’s a sweetheart: she behaves and listens, no matter what.
The GOOD parts were that they walked beautifully on our “group walk” and Odin did very well when my husband worked with him through the obedience course.
By the time it was my turn to try it with Azzie she was totally over the top and didn’t stop whining or behaving like the world was ending. So the instructor brought out his spare large-sized gentle-leader. Shoowee Azzie was NOT amused. He said that “most dogs” stop fighting after a short time…. I said Azzie is not “most dogs” and he heartily agreed. So we’ll just keep putting it on her for short periods and then removing it. Nothing attached.
Luckily it didn’t get TOO hot out there – but we were there for way too long, as my husband got the start time wrong for the class and we arrived early for that time, so we were there an extra hour or so.
And much to horror of the dogs – we ran out of treats!! Just when we needed them (for the actual training times!) I thought I was prepared (had plenty of water and poop bags) but clearly we need more next time, with 3 dogs being trained.
As I said – I wasn’t _expecting_ perfection, but it was still a bit disappointing to be proved so right :/ And no, I wasn’t “embarrassed” – I don’t really care what other people think when they see me struggling with my pooches – I was just disappointed, but also focused on fixing it all. I’m a perfectionist, so when things don’t work RIGHT, I get quite pissed off with myself.
HOWEVER, one very bright light during the whole thing: Gina ๐Ÿ™‚ My gorgeous Genius.
She was awesome, the whole time. Never put a foot wrong and was laid back and patient.
Next time I’ll get someone to hold the idiot, and Odin, while I show off with Gina on the obedience course! ๐Ÿ˜€

And there it goes again

Hello Universe, it’s me, the crow. Not feeling very harmonious right now.

Could I ask a little question? Why? Why this time? Why now? When we were _so_ close to actually getting what we wanted. So close to the dream job. So close to the career path that would finally make him happy? Why shut it all down? Why slam the door in his face? Why let those idiots get the upper hand, once again? It was all on track. It was all go and things were finally looking up. Never mind the moving around, or the uncertainty of where we would end up – we didn’t care! We were just happy that it was finally coming together, finally on the right road, finally heading somewhere promising. The light wasn’t a train, it was the sunshine of a promising future at the end of a very, very dark tunnel that he’s (we’ve, really) been struggling through for years and years with this petty unit… but oh, no, wait, is that a whistle? Yeah. It was a train. And we have to dive for safety once again.
Not even going to go in to what this cryptic (to those who don’t know me/us/our lives) post is about – just needed to rant and vent and shake my proverbial fists at it all.

It hurts me right down to the bone. It breaks my heart to see how he finally let himself be positive, to believe it was all going to go right for a change… only to have it taken from him, one more time, thanks to incompetence and idiocy and sheer sneering small-minded crap from this unit. And human resources too… one moment it’s all go, the next it’s “oh no, it’s over” and that’s that.
So that’s it, Universe. We’re moving on from the whole idea. We’re setting our sights on what’s next, where to next, how we can get over this and through this and wash all the sh*t off from this whole experience. I’m still gnashing my teeth though. I’m angry for him. Angry at the Army. Angry at those who chose their own careers over helping someone who helps them (and everyone else) without any regard for what he gets out of it. Someone who tries his hardest at _everything_ he is given to do – whether he enjoys it or not. There’s no 20% with my man, he is 100% all the time for everything. And they just left him hanging, over and over again, because it didn’t advance them where they wanted it to. Only one person has tried to help and he has washed up against that brick wall of pettiness over and over again – but he keeps trying. He knows how amazing my husband is. What a great soldier he is. A great person. He knows how they have screwed him over so many times that any lesser man would have lost all measure of his own worth. But my husband gets up, brushes himself off, and says, “Is that the best you can do?” and puts his hands up again.
He’s a fighter – he never quits.
But he’s not stupid, and we now know that we’ve exhausted all avenues and jumped through every burning hoop and slashed our way through every red tape forest that was put in our path. We are moving on. Upward and onward. To better things.

Better things. Please.